![]() Mannino's writing journey began when he was stranded on the Cornish coast at the supposed birthplace of King Arthur. The experience inspired The Scythe Wielder's Secret. He studied mythology, theatre, and literature both in the US and at Oxford. A former theatre teacher, he now lives in Delaware with his wife and two inspiring children. He continues to write both fiction and nonfiction for children and adults. In addition, as a freelancer he is most known for his work with Business Insider where he has amassed over 4.5 million readers. Mannino is an expert at helping parents and kids connect better. Be sure to check out his revolutionary approach HERE. Mannino is represented by Ramona Pina of BookEnds Literary. My wife, Rachel Mannino, is a romance author at www.RachelMannino.com Contact the author at Chris (at) ChristopherMannino.com Interested in scheduling a school visit or interview, including virtual visits? |
with Kai Strand: http://kaistrand.blogspot.com/2014/04/three-times-charm-with-christopher.html with Matthew Peters: http://www.matthewpetersbooks.com/my-interview-with-christopher-mannino/ with Kay Lalone: http://kaylalone.blogspot.com/2014/05/new-release-school-deaths-by.html with Margaret Fieland: http://margaretfieland.com/blog1/2014/04/24/meet-christopher-mannino/ with Mary Waibel: http://waibelworld.blogspot.com/2014/05/how-authors-write-christopher-mannino.html with Penny Estelle: http://www.pennyestelle.blogspot.com/2014/05/a-look-into-life-of-christopher-mannino.html with Sara-Jayne Townsend: http://sayssara.wordpress.com/2014/05/05/mondays-friend-christopher-mannino/ with Katie L. Carroll: http://www.katielcarroll.com/meet-christopher-mannino-author-of-school-of-deaths/ With the Young Adult Author Rendezvous: http://yaarendezvous.com/2016/03/11/author-spotlight-christopher-mannino/_ Podcast interview on YA Books |
Also, be sure to check out The Vegan Life Shop, which I co-run with my wonderful wife.